About Open Glossary

Đây là một dự án tập thể do cộng đồng điều hành và đa ngôn ngữ nhằm tìm cách tạo ra một thuật ngữ kỹ thuật số kỳ lạ đang phát triển.

Tài nguyên được chia sẻ này được cung cấp công khai để giúp chúng tôi nói chuyện và kết nối với những người không nói tiếng Anh và sẽ phát triển theo thời gian để phù hợp với các nhu cầu khác nhau của chúng tôi.
Click to read the translation
Description about Queer Glossary, a multilingual project aimed at creating a dynamic digital queer glossary a public resource that helps communicate with non-English speakers

About Artist

James Nguyễn

Born in Vietnam and based in Naarm/Melbourne, James Nguyen’s interdisciplinary practice examines strategies of decolonisation, while also interrogating the politics of family history, language, displacement and diaspora. Open Glossary probes the language and terminologies that permeate contemporary art and society more widely. Nguyen and collaborators present dynamic installations, videos, performances and events that foster multi-lingual conversations on a range of contemporary issues, including Land Rights and Indigenous Constitutional Recognition, gender diversity and sexual identity, and the linguistic links and spiritual connections of Southeast Asia, First Nations Australian and Moana neighbours.

Artist Note

Queer Glossary is developed as part of the exhibition Open Glossary for ACCA Melbourne.

Many communities to this day do not have easy access to the privilege of language immersion, open practice, and investment by the nation state. Many are currently experiencing linguistic dormancy, forced erasure, and harassment. Many others are also being lovingly and tenderly reawakened from their slumber after long periods of heavy silence.

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Institutional Support

Open Glossary was commissioned by the Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, for James Nguyen: Open Glossary


Artist: James Nguyễn

Curator: Shelley McSpedden

Digital Technician: Rowan McNaught

Site Design and Development: Thy Hà